Same-day shipping, or you can also request next-day delivery in most of Oregon!

We have been helping you pass state licensing tests since 1991!

Only we have our complete NEW study material package
for the new 2016-2017 Oregon Private Investigator license testing!

Call 818-883-6969 for more information.

Oregon Private Investigator License Examination Test
Oregon private investigator licnse examination testing details & study material:

Florida private investigator license test study help practicepractice test questions for Oregon PI license testOregon private investigator licensing examination test study practice questions

State PI license testing details, Oregon-

--50 questions on test

--86% or more (43 questions or more) correct required to pass

--multiple-choice and true/false

--testing is done in Salem at the DPSST Academy
and at selected locations statewide

--call 503 378-8531 for an appointment

--can repeat exam up to three seperate scheduled
dates, then must wait one year

--testing is done on paper

--The examination is given once a month, usually mid-month

--results next day by phone

--Testing areas include general rules
and regulations involving private
investigators in the State of Oregon:
including Oregon Revised Statutes,
Oregon Administrative Rules,
Oregon Criminal Law, and more.

Only we have our complete NEW material
for the 2016-2017 Oregon Private Investigator!

Call 818-883-6969 for more information.

Updated for OR PI license examination study guide !

License test secret #1:

Understand that you must know the data needed to pass
every one of several different 50-question tests

as to be able to pass whichever is assigned to you.

We are thePIgroup! 4000 members nationwide.

Oregon PI license seminar We are NOT a time-wasting seminar!   
We are NOT a useless online prep!
Oregon private investigator license test online
Oregon license powerpoint We are NOT a cheap powerpoint pdf download!
We are NOT a confusing multiple-choice prep! Oregon PI license test multiple-choice study

We have real PAPER study material with years of success!

Licensing fees

$79 for background check and exam; 
$550 for license; 
payable to DPSST in business check, cashier's
check or money order at the time of application.

Renewal: $550 
Inactive: $50
Duplicate: $20

License test secret #2:

Most test-takers do the worst on
These are the ones that many test-takers do bad on!


Records - Employees - Legal Requirements

Studying helps prepare you for this type-- and much more!

Required: $5,000 corporate surety bond OR $5000 errors and omissions insurance.

Call (818) 883-6969 for more information

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Oregon PI license test study questions

Required experience:
1,500 hours of verifiable experience performing investigative work or a
combination of verifiable experience and up to 500 hours of education substitution.

Testing secret #3

Watch out for these types of answer choices:


montana choices

Sometimes more than one answer choice
will look the same-- but there will be
a small difference if you look close!

Studying helps you prepare you for this type-- and much more!

Our anti-copy 'ghostalarm company license test     printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!

Testing secret #4:

Many test-takers have a tough time
with this type of answer choices:

'Choose the BEST answer'.

Best answer

You might find questions where more
than one of the answer choices is correct.
But one choice is a little better than the others.

Studying helps you prepare you for this type-- and much more!

We obtained all exact reference material montananamed by the State of Oregon.

Partly because of that, our developed OR private
investigator exam preparation material is THE SOURCE!

evidence  new  crime scene private detective 

EVIDENCE and CRIME SCENE sections are now included.

Now includes many more federal faws Federal law pages!



We hate opinion questionsopinion questionsquestions!

Many who complain about failing some licensing tests say there were 'answers open to opinion'!

We agree-- tests should use questions of definite answers, never opinions.

What if your experience gives you a different opinion on a
question than the test writer has? YOU get it wrong then!

Studying will give you a 'heads up' on this type of question too.

Contact us for information about our detailed
Oregon Private Investigator licensing, business, and test preparation packages.


Seminars, or studying on-line, is an ineffective waste of time.

Reading our high-quality printed paper 2016-2017
Oregon Private Investigator study materials with photos, over and over,
studying around your daily duties, or sitting in your car, or even while resting in bed,
is FAR more effective then trying to study on-line or at a 'seminar'.

Do one final review while parked outside the test center for your test appointment!

new  Interview and inrrogation section  New section!  interrogation  new section

An Interview and Interrogation section is now included.

Nevada private patrolman ppo license examination

Oregon Private Investigator
License Examination Test
study material:

study material for Florida PI license testOR Oregon PI private investigator license test examination study material

Our copyrighted and detailed
Oregon PI Study Material & Business Help
OR PI Super Package'
(numbered below for easy discussion if you call us!)

1. --full general OR PI licensing information--

2. --sample practice questions with verified correct answers--

--and much, much more!--

Contact us for information about our detailed
Oregon Private Investigator PI licensing and test preparation package.

Oregon private investigator license test Or, some choose the smaller 'Package B' instead!
Call for the contents of this more compact assistance.

From a 25-year teacher of private investigation:

CA PI license test exam

WORST possible study methods:
1) seminars, and 2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage, too many words per actual needed knowledge)

BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer, Question/Answer
, Question/Answer,  . . .
(direct to memory, higher word priority)

Much of this material is copyrighted: many 2016-2017 edition pages bear distinctive colored stamps, dark 'ghost printing' of embedded-word watermarking, hidden inclusions, and/or serial numbers!

Our anti-copy 'ghostalarm company license test     printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!

Simulated Testing

Georgia private detective license examination test computer similator test study questions

Also available is our on-line text that includes simulated practice license test
questions for the Oregon Private Investigator PI license examination
test, a simulator to a computer-testing
as it advises time limitations to answer.
See for more information about this option.

Call (818) 883-6969 for more information.

Updated for study guide material Oregon private investigator license exam !


Flashcards for the California Private Patrol Operator PPO license exam test

Also available are our FlashCards of vocabulary and practice license test
questions for the Oregon Private Investigator PI license examination test.

Pocket-sized as to study anywhere you go,
they include instructions for studying them using the 'Leitner System'
(a proven way of increasing the retention of data from flash cards)
These are NOT generic 'nationwide PI' flashcards!

Blunt and to the point: there is some worthless 'junk' out there,
promoted as 'helpful for PI tests'. Buyer beware.
Be careful of generic 'good-for-all-states' nationwide material.
We have assisted many who failed after trying alternate choices.

Our material includes 'trigger questions' (related sample questions that
are similar to but not actually connected to any of the multiple PI tests,
planted within as to later prove plagiarism-- catches our competitors every time.
We have successfully shut down 3 plagiarizers-- and they paid our legal bills!

Got 10 minutes? Call 818-883-6969 for the most
valuable PI phone conversation you will ever have!

Yes, you saw us on  Private Patrol Operator on YouTube at:  (click here:)  Oregon Private Investigator license examination

Call (818) 883-6969 for more information

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These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

Oregon investigator test     Oregon PI testOregon PI test 

Call 818-883-6969 NOW! free consultation hawaii private detective license test
If you have failed the test, we have 'special help' for you.
If you haven't tested yet, can help with that too.

Back to the main page, click here: MAIN PAGE

Call (818) 883-6969
or e-mail to (be sure to include your phone number and which test you are taking)


PPO license test help

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1. Send a simple money order, and your package
goes out same-day money order is received, or

Send a check, but we put long holds on
orders paid by check.
<<< don't miss this
, or

3. Go pay through Walmart or any MoneyGram location,
and your package goes out within 2 hours
Click here: Paying through Walmart or any MoneyGram location

Call 818-883-6969 for more details!

© : Oregon Private Investigator license test study material and sample OR PI exam practice questions