Here is the best type of quick payment available now
At, enter your zipcode and
you'll find many locations right near you--
If using at a Western Union location,
ask for their Western Union person-to-person form
(the 'friend' pay form, not the one for car loan payments)
to pay
for the package and the Western Union fee.
Put this name, city, and phone number on this form:
John Grogan, we are in Los Angeles/California, 818-883-6969
(see my newest photo-- Click here: )
Then call me with your
10-digit payment
number and your shipping address.
Since you pay them a fee, there is
when paid here.
If you go to and enter your zip code,
you will find many Western Union locations near you.
Your package can usually ship by UPS
within 2 hours of me receiving your paid order
(you must call me with your shipping
address when done with paying!)
Same day, call us for your UPS tracking number.
But if you are near us, come pay in person instead.