John Grogan  | Polygraph Testing : Collection Services : Service of Process : De-Bugging...
Collections Agency, Service of Process, Polygraph Examinations, Voice Stress Analysis, Fingerprinting, Celebrity Records
818 883-6969
    Polygraph Examinations
    GPS Tracking
    Collection Agency
    Service of Process
    Private Investigations
    Security Cameras
    Learn Lie-Detection
    Learn Private Investigation
    Learn Fingerprinting
    Learn Process Serving
    Voice Stress Analysis
    Celebrity Contact
    TSCM 'De-Bugging'
    DNA / Forensic /
    Paternity Testing
    Courier Services
    PPG - Plethysmograph
    Older Records
    Preparing For The
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Learn PI
    Preparing For The
    Private Patrol Operator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Repossession Agency

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Alarm Company Operator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    New York
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    New York
    Alarm Installer

    License Exam
    Preparing For The
    Private Detective

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Investigator

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Detective

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Detective

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Detective

    License Test
    Preparing For The
    Private Detective

    License Test
    Polygraph Training
    Speaking Engagements
    The REAL 'PI To The Stars'
    Nationwide Referrals
    Help with your Business
    Marketing Materials
    Baja California
    See his 1993 Web Site
    Contact John Grogan


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818 883-6969

(Not all services
available in all states)


 35 years  polygraph los angeles available 7 daysLos Angeles private investigatorprivate investigator in Los Angeles

Perhaps others said it best during his 45+ years of nationwide experience:
"Most well-known and respected PI amongst his nationwide industry peers"
(Los Angeles Times)
"Our #1 source for accurate information"
(NBC News)
"In recognition of his heroic acts and selfless deeds"
(City of Los Angeles)
"The most televised PI in the world; hundreds of media situations"
(Daily News)
"My deep appreciation… without hesitation, you neutralized the assailant... you prevented serious injury to the single Deputy who was outnumbered at the scene"
(Los Angeles County Sheriff)
"The real 'P.I. To The Stars'; they keep his card handy"
(Private Investigator Monthly)
“My personal thank-you for assisting the State of California in the re-write of our PI Licensing Test (three long days spent in Sacramento)!”
(Chief, State of California PI Licensing Bureau)
"FAR more experienced than the others but surprisingly affordable"
(Chamber of Commerce)
“Your interview and polygraph examination got (convicted Federal sex criminal) to admit to committing several other sex crimes, of which he had swore to us denying them only a few hours earlier; outstanding work”.
(Government agency)
"Thank you for saving me! / best PI on earth / my protector / thanks again for being my guardian angel / top-notch service / you rate 5 stars! / best bodyguard ever / fabulous job in helping me / awesome PI! / best PI / thanks for uncovering the mysteries/world's greatest bodyguard"
(from dozens and dozens of displayed autographed photos from celebrities)
"Called upon by government agencies and major corporations that can choose any and want only the best"
(USA Today)
"Well-respected; a leader; in nation's Top Ten; recognition well-deserved"
(P.I. Magazine)
  . . . and many, many more!

polygraph testpolygraph examinerpolygraph on TVprivate investigator John Grogan

   tv POLYGRAPH Thanks for watching--

Los Angeles private investigator

more than 1000 media situations! tv POLYGRAPH  
Los Angeles Times polygraph             new york times polygraph

John Grogan Private Investigatorpolygraph on televisionpolygraph tests in Los Angeles Californiapolygraph tsting

Serving you in 2024 and beyond: now semi-retired from the full-service multi-state PI and polygraph professions (no more 'Investigator Of The Year' awards, general investigations, gun-battles, multi-state license fees, riots, or all-day surveillances in the hot sun!) after a high-profile career involving six different decades, John is available as he travels in many states and Canada and Mexico, to provide some of the specialty services listed at left (not all services are available in all states). He also has study guides, on-line simulated timed testing, practice tests, and preparation material for the state Private Investigator license examination tests of California, New York, Nevada, Wisconsin, Washington, Texas, Illinois, Hawaii, Oregon, Georgia, Maine, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and many more-- as well as prep material for the California's PPO (Private Patrol Operator), California's Alarm Company Operator, California's Repossession Agency RA license examination test, and more!
For answers to your questions or information on any of the services listed,
e-mail or call John Grogan today on the numbers below or on nationwide cell phone:

Same main phone number for more than 40 years; now it goes to a worldwide mobile phone 24/7!
Financing Available

California (818) 883-6969

For answers to your questions or information on any of the services listed,
e-mail or call John Grogan today on the numbers below or on nationwide cell phone:

Same main phone number for more than 30 years; now it goes to a worldwide mobile phone 24/7!

Financing Available

818 883-6969

Home | Collections | Service of Process | Polygraph Examinations | Voice Stress Analysis
Celebrity Contact | De-Bugging | Fingerprinting | Training | Consulting | Media
Nationwide Referrals | Public Records | Contact John Grogan

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