(There is a lot of information on this page. A LOT. Many 2012 changes and a new lower price! Please wait until you have spare time, or you will miss something. Thanks!)

Same-day shipping, or you can also request 2-day delivery in most of Kentucky!

Kentucky Private Investigator
License Examination Test:

Kentucky private investigator license testKentucky private investigator license example

An applicant must:

  • Be at least 21 years of age

    PO BOX 1360
    FRANKFORT KY 40602 (502) 564-3296, Ext. 239
    (502) 56696-5230 FAX

We are thePIgroup!thePIgroup.com 4000 members nationwide.

Only we have this complete NEW material
for the 2012-2013 Kentucky Private Investigator!

Call 818-883-6969 for more information.

State PI license testing details, Kentucky-

Private Investigator Exam
50 questions, 2 hours
There are multiple versions of the test

Tests administered by Schroder Measurement Technologies

This is scary:
the state will give you a 209-page recommended-topics study guide,
but it has no sample questions or tests!


Call (818) 883-6969 for more information

ups shipping

These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

new york private investigator test     new york PI testny PI test  or, use your own shipping account.


HI PD license examinattion pass/fail

Many applicants DO NOT PASS the Kentucky private investigator license examination.

Our anti-copy 'ghostalarm company license test     printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!

Need a Kentucky private investigator license application?
Hawaii private detective license application at thePIgroup.com
If you want to download a KY PI license application, paste this into your browser: http://kpi.ky.gov/Form%20Library/Private%20Investigator%20Company%20Application%20Packet.pdf
(but beware: there are 'tricks' and 'traps' to the application process;
call us for assistance before you make the common application mistakes!)

License fees-
Private Investigator

License: $100

Private Investigator Company,
or Patnership, or Corporation

License: $500

Branch Office
License: $50

BONUS: Pass with our material, website for private patrol operator we can make you a simple webpage FREE!
(If you don't have a webpage, the public & businesses can't find you to hire you.)

Our copyrighted and detailed
Kentucky Private Investigator Study Material & Business Help
2012-2013 '
KY Private Investigator Package'
(numbered below for easy discussion if you call us!)

Pass the licensing test in Hawaii1. --full general Kentucky Private Investigator licensing information--

HI PI licenseHI PI licenseHawaii private detective license examination Study material for Hawaii PD testing2. --Much much more!

Contact us for information about our detailed Kentucky Private
Investigator licensing, business, and test preparation packages.


Seminars, or studying on-line, is an ineffective waste of time.

Reading our high-quality printed paper 2012-2013
Kentucky Private Investigator study materials with photos, over and over,
studying around your daily duties, or sitting in your car, or even while resting in bed,
is FAR more effective then trying to study on-line or at a 'seminar'.

Do one final review while parked outside the test center for your test appointment!

Hawii private detective license test on-line computer simulated practice questions

Also available is our on-line training and simulated practice license test question
computer sessions for the Kentucky Private Investigator license examination test,
a simulator to a computer-testing environment and the time limitations to answer.
See www.thePIgroup.com/seminars.htm for more information about on-line training.

ppo license califrniafirearm questions for PPO license testppo stopping sexual harassment

Now includes a 17-page 'Sexual Harassment In The Workplace' section!

This can be a source of lawsuits against
licensed Kentucky Private Investigators and their clients . . .

Including datasheets of:
--What is Sexual Harassment?
--Examples of Sexual Harassment
--When is the Employer liable for Sexual Harassment?
--Methods to reduce or prevent Sexual Harassment
--What is 'Quid Pro Quo' Sexual Harassment?
--What is 'Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment'?
--Federal government-issued information about sexual harassment
---and more!

From a 25-year teacher of private investigation:

CA PI license test exam

WORST possible study methods:
1) seminars, and 2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage, too many words per actual needed knowledge)

BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer, Question/Answer
, Question/Answer,  . . .
(direct to memory, higher word priority)

Much of this material is copyrighted: many 2012-2013 edition pages bear distinctive colored stamps, dark 'ghost printing' of embedded-word watermarking, hidden inclusions, and/or serial numbers!

Got 10 minutes? Call 818-883-6969 for the most
valuable PI phone conversation you will ever have!

ups shipping

These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

new york private investigator test     new york PI testny PI test   or, use your own shipping account.

Our anti-copy 'ghostalarm company license test     printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!

Yes, you saw us on  Private Patrol Operator on YouTube at:  (click here:)  Kentucky Private Investigator license examination

We include copies of some public-domain state and/or federal documents
and other items, provided as a courtesy and at no additional cost to you;
many have been improved from their original presentation into better for your use!
Page-counts, item-counts and shipping-weights are approximate but are very close.

All specifications subject to change with or without prior notice.

Come pick up a package, or send a simple money order;
we put long holds on orders paid by check
.<<< don't miss this

Call 818-883-6969 for more information!

All rights reserved. A purchase of this material is for our purchaser's sole use, and is only to
assist that sole purchaser in his/her own new KY PIbusiness and in the preparation of taking
his/her own upcoming KY PI licensing test. No portion of this material may be reproduced,
copied, sold, resold, shared, sold after purchaser's use, exploited, stored in an
electronic system, used for training of others, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, reworded, modified, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise.
It is solely intended for and sold only to applicants for this professional license.
It is expressly NOT for use, tutoring, duplication, training, adaption, or any other use by
other publishers or writers, teachers or instructors, coaching or preparatory entities,
testing agencies and certification agencies, any group use, or any government agency.
All specifications subject to change without prior notice.

Back to the main page, click here: MAIN PAGE

Call (818) 883-6969
or e-mail to
thePIgroup@aol.com (be sure to include your phone number and which test you are taking)


© www.thePIgroup.com :Kentucky Private Investigator license test study material and sample KY PI practice questions